
From Your Heart To Our Home

Supporting Transition from the Streets

At Family Health Centers, we believe that housing is healthcare. Our Phoenix Healthcare for the Homeless operates a peer supported, permanent housing program that helps individuals living in shelters or on the streets move into homes.

From Your Heart To Our Home is our annual fundraiser to help purchase home goods such as beds, furniture, kitchenware, and linens – everything a person might need to start a new life. Many of our participants move directly from the streets into their own apartment.  The Holiday Season can be especially difficult due to financial hardship and lack of family support. With donations like yours, we are able to provide the essentials a person needs to get started in their new homes and help spread holiday cheer by giving away holiday gift cards to clients in our housing program. For many of our clients, this will be the only gift they receive.

Since 2008, Family Health Centers-Phoenix has helped more than 500 people move from the streets into apartments of their own.

two people holding hands

What does my donation support?

Your donation is used to purchase home goods such as furniture, kitchenware, and linens – everything a person who was recently homeless needs to make a home. We also provide gifts to our supportive housing residents during the holiday season as many celebrate the holidays alone.

What is supportive housing?

We believe that housing is healthcare. FHC has 125 housing vouchers used to house homeless individuals, then provide them with peer support, case management, medical and mental health services to ensure they are successful in their transition from the streets to a home. Our goal is to keep people housed for the long-term.


Helping someone into a supportive housing program has been proven to improve health, mental health and overall wellbeing. Further, housing programs help reduce chronic homelessness, reduce utilization of the emergency room and criminal justice system, and increases the probability of employment. A home provides a foundation of stability and dignity that allows individuals to then focus on other areas of their health and well-being.