自 2024 年 3 月 1 日起,最低收费标准将在 11 年内首次上调。新的最低收费标准为

医疗 $25.00 一次访问
行为健康服务 $ 每次 25.00
牙科服务 $40.00 一次

您绝不会因为无力支付而被拒之门外。  了解有关这些变化的更多信息.


Tonia Myers, MSN, APRN, FNP-C

Services Provided
  • 儿科

泰勒大道 4100 号
肯塔基州路易斯维尔 40215

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Tonia Myers headshot


The nursing code of ethics states that “a nurse practices with compassion and respect for every person’s inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes.” This opportunity to care for the whole person drew me to nursing. As a nurse practitioner in the pediatric department, I have the privilege of caring for patients and their families. This role provides a unique opportunity to empower and shape the next generation’s health. While growing up in Liberia, West Africa, I knew I wanted to educate people and care for their physical needs. Nursing has enabled me to fulfill this desire. During my 16 years as a nurse, I have worked in the hospital, classroom, and clinic settings. When I am not working, I enjoy doing outdoor activities such as gardening, cycling, and long walks. Outside of healthcare, my passions are my family and my faith.


Master of Science in Nursing- Bellarmine University, 2015

Bachelor of Science in Nursing-University of Louisville, 2005