自 2024 年 3 月 1 日起,最低收费标准将在 11 年内首次上调。新的最低收费标准为

医疗 $25.00 一次访问
行为健康服务 $ 每次 25.00
牙科服务 $40.00 一次

您绝不会因为无力支付而被拒之门外。  了解有关这些变化的更多信息.


Dr. Rowena S. Aquino, MD

Services Provided
  • 儿科

波特兰大街 2215 号
肯塔基州路易斯维尔 40212

View Patient Portal
Rowena Aquino headshot


I love children and this is why I chose Pediatrics to be my career. I love seeing my patients grow and being a part of their lives as their pediatrician. It is a privilege to serve my patients and their families. Promoting health maintenance including vaccinations is one of my advocacies.

I love spending time with my family and traveling. One of my favorite things to do and that helps me relax is watching K-dramas. I love listening to music and am a fan of BTS. I also love 80’s music.


MD from University of the Philippines;
Manila, Philippines; 1993

Certification: Board Certified in General Pediatrics
Certifying Organization: American Board of Pediatrics