自 2024 年 3 月 1 日起,最低收费标准将在 11 年内首次上调。新的最低收费标准为

医疗 $25.00 一次访问
行为健康服务 $ 每次 25.00
牙科服务 $40.00 一次

您绝不会因为无力支付而被拒之门外。  了解有关这些变化的更多信息.




Infants and children must use a properly installed car seat or booster seat while riding in a vehicle to prevent injury in a crash. Kentucky state law requires children less than 40 inches tall to ride in a child passenger restraint (car seat).  Older children are required to use a booster seat until they are 57 inches tall or 8 years old.  These programs, videos, and other resources can help you learn more and keep your child safe.

Available Programs

Talk with Health Education staff

FHC patients needing help with car seats or booster seats, call 502-772-8588 or email healtheducation@fhclouisville.org.


Online Information