Beginning March 1, 2024 the minimum fee will increase for the first time in 11 years. The new minimum fees are:

Medical $25.00 a visit
Behavioral Health Services $25.00 a visit
Dental Services $40.00 a visit

You will never be turned away for not being able to pay.  Learn more about these changes.


सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता

At Family Health Centers, we work hard because our patients deserve the best.   The Family Health Center is a gateway for many medically underserved individuals who have both behavioral health and medical care needs. The Behavioral Health (BH) Services Department works to address these needs by providing clinical and social support services.

कार्य अवलोकन

Family Health Centers is hiring for Social Worker positions. This role supports our primary medical and behavioral health teams by working with medical and behavioral health staff to help patients access services and resources beneficial to their health an wellness. enhance.  This role supports behavioral health integration into health services by interviewing and counseling patients at the Family Health Centers (FHC) and for referring them to community agencies for assistance.

Performs related work.

यस स्थितिमा कार्य जिम्मेवारीहरूको उदाहरणहरू समावेश छन्:

  • Registers, classifies, and counsels FHC patients for social services.
  • Provides information to FHC patients regarding community resources and social services.
  • Completes eligibility forms, insurance forms, charity care forms, and other appropriate forms to prevent termination of social services from other agencies.
  • Arranges medical transportation for FHC patients.
  • Provides medicine to FHC patients by voucher, community referrals, or pharmaceutical samples.
  • Prepares monthly reports.
  • Makes home visits.
  • मानक सावधानीहरूको पालना गर्दछ।

काम आवश्यकताहरू

Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work or a related field.

तालिम र अनुभवको बराबरी संयोजन निजामती सेवाद्वारा लागू हुने निर्धारण अनुसार प्रतिस्थापन गर्न सकिन्छ।


पारिवारिक स्वास्थ्य केन्द्रहरू पारिवारिक मैत्री कार्य वातावरण हो। अन्य स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रणालीहरूको विपरीत, त्यहाँ कुनै 3 छैनrd शिफ्टहरू, आइतवार वा छुट्टीको समयमा तपाईंले काम गर्नुपर्छ। FHC ले हाम्रा कर्मचारीहरूलाई प्रशस्त लाभहरू पनि प्रदान गर्दछ; FHC मा कर्मचारी लाभ प्याकेजको मूल्य एक कर्मचारीको वार्षिक तलबको लगभग 45% हो। स्वास्थ्य बीमा, केन्टकी राज्य सेवानिवृत्ति प्रणालीको अतिरिक्त, कर्मचारीहरूले 10 भुक्तान बिरामी बिदा दिनहरू, उनीहरूको पहिलो वर्षमा 12 दिनको बिदा र 22 दिनसम्म, दस भुक्तान बिदाहरू र बोनस फ्लोटिंग छुट्टी वर्षमा कुनै पनि समयमा प्रयोग गर्न पाउनेछन्। ।

FHC मा किन काम गर्नुहुन्छ

निवेदन गर्नु

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